Tag Archives: Tom Cotton

Necessary Evil: Cotton or Media?

(July 28, 2020) After Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton introduced a bill to deny Federal money to schools teaching the “1619 Project” claim that America’s prime motivation for independence  was to exploit black slaves, the Little Rock newspaper interviewed him. During the interview he said:

We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.

While I’m disappointed that Senator Cotton is hostile to Confederate Heritage—he voted to strip the names of military bases honoring Confederate generals—I applaud his action against the New York Times‘ “1619 Project.” Be that as it may, consider how the mainstream media misrepresented the remarks above in the headlines they used, itemized below:

CNN: Tom Cotton describes slavery as a “necessary evil” . . .
CBS: Tom Cotton Under Fire for saying Slavery was “necessary evil.”
The Guardian: Tom Cotton calls slavery as a “necessary evil” . . .
Salon: Senator Cotton Attempts to defend slavery “necessary evil” remark.
Newsweek: Tom Cotton faces criticism in Congress for calling slavery a “necessary evil.”
Huffington Post: Tom Cotton Calls Slavery Nation’s “Necessary Evil” in shocking Interview.
CNN Opinion: Tom Cotton’s False Claim Reveals Appalling Truth
USA Today: Sen. Cotton Under Fire for Comments on Slavery
Boston Globe: Tom Cotton Under Fire for saying Slavery was a “necessary evil.”
NY Times: Late Night TV Hosts Wonder Whether Tom Cotton is “Necessary Evil.”
Forbes: Arkansas Senator Cotton Says Slavery was a “Necessary Evil.”
Washington Post: Your’e Out of Your Cotton Picking Mind


Was President Grant personally corrupt? Careful study of Jay Gould’s Gold Market Corner attempt and the later Whisky Tax Evasion Scandal raise questions. Learn more in Ulysses Grant’s Failed Presidency,

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Learn more about my books at  My Amazon Author Page.

The Confederacy at Flood Tide by Philip Leigh
Trading With the Enemy by Philip Leigh
Lee’s Lost Dispatch & Other Civil War Controversies by Philip Leigh
Southern Reconstruction by Philip Leigh
U. S. Grant’s Failed Presidency by Philip Leigh
The Devil’s Town by Philip Leigh